Saturday, October 5, 2019

Voice in a river

A voice travels
in a river
scattered, unshattered
at times
pitchers of flashbacks
picked up from the floor
to the clouds

An estuary's
geometric discords
suspending hands over
blank scores

Choirs recast from
exotic swimmers among
graded flavors

Eroding sand piles conducting
water in crisis
to a deeper embrace
humming unfamiliar notes

In a deafening discourse
a voice returns
or not returns
to an absorbing silence
persisting in vain.

- 10/5/2019, Palo Alto

Saturday, July 13, 2019


A teacher
or a door
to an unimagined world
of strange
and stranger

of a pink sky
or a blue floor
afloat, marshmallow boats

of choreographed molecules
or enslaved shoes
a brain, in mindless moves

a teacher
or a world
over the shoulder
a disappearing
one way door.

7-13-2019, Palo Alto
In memory of Dr. Armin Fuchs.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Journey to the West

They sentence him to death
the murderous

From tail to brow
travelers wander
from water
to stranger water
passing through what was left of
drained veins on a
red skull

In the company of windy thoughts
they were lost
in themselves
the wanderers of the skull

Into the past
of a dream foreseen
where lives could never live
wanderers of the disappearing womb
arrive at the beginning
where they've never been

- 5/4/2019, in Palo Alto